Have you ever felt insignificant, overlooked, and underappreciated? I have too. The day Elijah brought fire down upon the sacrifice on Mount Carmel, Elisha was at work in his father’s fields. He didn’t see it, but he heard about it. Everyone did. It was a great day for Israel, a great day for God, and a great day for Elijah. One day after it happened, Elisha was out plowing in the field and Elijah came and placed his mantle around his shoulders. He couldn’t believe it, When Elijah chose him to succeed him as prophet, He knew the he was exchanging his old life for a new one. The life of a farmer for the life of God’s servant. He expected to do great things even that very day! But He didn’t. Instead, for the next ten years he followed Elijah around and worked as a common servant. He felt insignificant. When we choose to follow God, what we get doesn’t always match what we expected. No matter. Even if others ignore or forget you, whatever you’re doing for God is...